We work in the Real Estate sector to create and deliver real value to clients, shareholders, and employees in a complex and constantly changing world.

In response to change the expectations of customers and market conditions, we put together expert teams that offer integrated services based on insight and forecast market, exhaustive research, and solid market knowledge.

Our Services



At FOZ VELHA – Sociedade de Mediação Imobiliária Lda, we promote and seek in a professional, efficient, and dynamic way, on behalf of our clients, real estate assets with a view to their purchase, sale, exchange, transfer, or lease.

Entrust us your property!
Trust in our services!


Buying and Selling of Real Estate Assets

Buying and selling of real estate assets is in the DNA of our organization. We invest in strictly selected assets with a view to their valuation, promotion, and future sale. We work with a wide range of national and international owners and investors, thus allowing us to have our own assets or those of our partners with options and solutions for our clients’ needs. If you have an asset that you want to sell, if you want to acquire a new asset, do not do so without consulting us first!


Real Estate Consulting

Through an extensive knowledge of the real estate market, the local economy and real estate management, FOZ VELHA is able to present the best real estate solutions according to the needs and criteria of its clients.

Negotiation without contractual errors, security and profitability, compliance with legal requirements, assistance in the registration of properties, interaction between the parties, strategic disclosure and after-sales support are just some of the valences that FOZ VELHA has to put at your disposal.



The success of an organization increasingly depends on its ability to respond to the needs of a constantly evolving and increasingly demanding market!

FOZ VELHA, through an energetic and dynamic activity in the search for new real estate assets, management of partnerships and acquisition of real estate assets, has a wide portfolio of opportunities to present to you.

Contact us, we have the solution for your needs!